

This indicates an attack attempt to exploit a remote Code Execution vulnerability in multiple CYME products.
The vulnerability, which is located in the "CmdAgent.ocx" ActiveX control, can be exploited through misuse of the vulnerable method "ShowPropertiesDialog". An attacker can exploit this by tricking an unsuspecting user into visiting a malicious webpage and execute arbitrary code within the context of the application.

affected-products-logoAffected Products

CYME Distribution System Analysis 5.0
CYME Power Engineering Software 5.x

Impact logoImpact

System Compromise: Remote attackers can gain control of vulnerable systems.

recomended-action-logoRecommended Actions

Currently we are unaware of any vendor supplied patch or updates available for this issue.
Disable this ActiveX Control by setting its kill bit, by the method shown on the website:

Telemetry logoTelemetry


IPS (Regular DB)
IPS (Extended DB)