

This signature indicates an anomaly in the usage of the MS SQL protocol.
The default threshold is 50 MS SQL login failures within a short period of time 1 second between a unique pair of hosts. This could indicate an attempt at brute forcing the login by trying multiple user names and passwords. The threshold is configurable based on user's environment.

affected-products-logoAffected Products

Any server running MS-SQL.

Impact logoImpact

System Compromise: Remote attackers can gain control of vulnerable systems.

recomended-action-logoRecommended Actions

It indicates detection of traffic that does not comply to the protocol standard. Monitor the traffic from that network for any suspicious activity.

Telemetry logoTelemetry


IPS (Regular DB)
IPS (Extended DB)

Version Updates

Date Version Detail
2020-05-06 15.838 Default_action:pass:drop
2020-05-06 15.837 Default_action:drop:pass
2020-05-06 15.836 Default_action:pass:drop
2020-04-13 15.815 Sig Added
2020-04-09 15.814