Adware/Geyser!Android is a potentially unwanted application for Android mobile devices
whose current version leaks your geographic location.
Technical Details
Appsgeyser is a toolkit which helps Android application developers create their applications, distribute them and monetize, in a single step.
The problem lies in the fact that, to monetize, the kit sends to its advertisement servers the end-user's geographic location (longitude and latitude) in clear text.
For example, in a sample packaged as com.wYoungsterZZ4Android (the Android version of a youth portal), the main activity, named MainNavigationActivity, sends the following URL: &v= &hid= &tlat= &tlon=
- APPID is the application identifier, which is read of the "id" field in the raw resource configuration.xml file. For example: 284728
- GUID is a randomly generated UUID.
- VERSION is a version number read from the package's AndroidManifest:
<manifest android:versionCode="1349872181" android:versionName="0.84.13498.72181" android:installLocation="preferExternal" package="com.wYoungsterZZ4Android"
- IMEI is the phone's IMEI. Note that as a GUID is generated, it would be highly preferrable to use only the GUID, as the IMEI is considered as private information.
- LATITUDE and LONGITUDE are the end-user's current latitude and longitude
<webWidget> <widgetName>YoungsterZZ 4 Android</widgetName> <registeredUrl> <link>http://[CENSORED]</link> </registeredUrl>The rest of the URL contains the following information:
?action=install&name=The adware also uses Cloud to Device Messaging, although it is not clear at the time of writing this description exactly what information is communicated through that channel.&id= &system=android
The adware contains the following files:
META-INF/MANIFEST.MF META-INF/DESKTOPI.SF META-INF/DESKTOPI.RSA assets/error.html assets/run_custom_script.js res/drawable/about_appsgeyser_logo.png res/drawable/about_background.xml res/drawable/active_tab_background.xml res/drawable/add_item.png res/drawable/add_item_active.png res/drawable/button_style.xml res/drawable/contents_background.xml res/drawable/cross_item.png res/drawable/deactive_tab_background.xml res/drawable/ic_menu_add.png res/drawable/ic_menu_favorite.png res/drawable/ic_menu_refresh.png res/drawable/icon.png res/drawable/pin_icon.png res/drawable/reload_item.png res/drawable/star.png res/drawable/star_active.png res/layout/about_dialog.xml res/layout/bottom_banner.xml res/layout/connection_error_dialog.xml res/layout/history_autocomplete_layout.xml res/layout/http_authentication.xml res/layout/main.xml res/layout/message_viewer.xml res/layout/navigation_bar.xml res/layout/no_content_message.xml res/layout/startup_screen.xml res/layout/tab_tag.xml res/layout/tabs_panel.xml res/layout/user_agent_dialog.xml res/layout/video_loading_progress.xml res/layout/web_content.xml res/menu/customapp_menu.xml res/menu/webapp_menu.xml res/raw/configuration.xml res/raw/falsepositives.txt res/raw/flashplayer_not_exist.html res/raw/index.html res/raw/insuffient_sdk_version.html res/raw/reportabuse.txt AndroidManifest.xml resources.arsc classes.dex
Permissions required by the adware:
Recommended Action
- FortiGate Systems
- Check the main screen using the web interface for your FortiGate unit to ensure that the latest AV/NIDS database has been downloaded and installed on your system - if required, enable the "Allow Push Update" option.
FortiClient Systems
- Quarantine/delete files that are detected and replace infected files with clean backup copies.
Detection Availability
FortiClient | |
Extreme | |
FortiMail | |
Extreme | |
FortiSandbox | |
Extreme | |
FortiWeb | |
Extreme | |
Web Application Firewall | |
Extreme | |
FortiIsolator | |
Extreme | |
FortiDeceptor | |
Extreme | |
FortiEDR |